All digital images and paintings and all writings on the site belong exclusively to the creator (Sandal-Bárány Tünde Nikoletta). The images / paintings and writings on this site are the property of their respective creators, authors and © All rights reserved! Of course, it can be shared without change on social media sites, indicating the creator or the title of the page. Any other use is prohibited! © ALL RIGHTS RESERVED!
The images / mandalas / paintings / texts on the page can be used with the respective source / author. Images may not be copied or marketed, they may not be sold for money! The sole owner is the artist! DO NOT cut, subtitle or edit the images ©Arts by Sandal-Bárány Tünde Nikoletta under Creative Commons Attribution! ©Sandal-Bárány Tünde Nikoletta works under Creative Commons Attribution! – Don’t sell it! – Don’t change it! 4.0 International License! Based on a work at Based on a work at
Other copyright law (Hungary):
From the creation of the work / works / works, the author is entitled to the copyright – the totality of personal and property rights – such as the right of use, such as publication or distribution (Section 9 of the Public Procurement Act). The copyright holder is the author, the natural person who created the work protected by copyright (Section 4 of the Civil Code).
In the event of a violation of his / her rights, the author / creator may make civil law claims, for example, demand the cessation of the infringing act, the prohibition thereof, the refund of the enrichment obtained by the infringement, or compensation [Szjt. Section 94 (1) and (2)] before the General Court with territorial jurisdiction.